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Out of profound respect for and in memory of the countless lives lost to structural racism in the United States of America, Spanglish Voces unites in solidarity with the many protestors across this country who have risked their health and lives. The editorial board of our magazine has decided to offer our platform to you. We ask you to share with us how you have experienced structural racism. Write about the ways you have grief and face these situations. Please share your thoughts and emotions as a means of amplifying our voices in this struggle together as a community.

Discrimination has continuously afflicted people of color in this nation. Our team recognizes the value of writing as a tool to help us survive in moments of struggle and grave injustices. Writing double-serves as a safeguard and a safe passage from moments of helplessness. Further, creative expression has inevitably been an avenue for people to express their pain. It allows them to face with dignity and strength all adversity.

When we write and read what others have written, we remember the source of our pains and vicissitudes flow from the same place. We realize our challenges and obstacles for authentic freedom and democracy should be confronted in a united front. That realization empowers us and our communities. The power of unity within tragedies and adversities is the driving force that will guide us to develop proposals to overcome our history of oppression and will fortify our defenses against a system that seeks to deny the existence of people of color.

It is because of its protective, curative and encouraging powers the Editorial Board of Spanglish Voces is motivated to open its platform for our people to heal and feel protected through the sharing of their experiences.

In solidarity,

El Equipito

Editorial Board

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