Lost Voyages

They said the yola was so small, you had to hold your breath and each other, whenever the waves came crashing. That the wind kept blowing the boat the opposite direction and the salt water, teased their thirst. ...
They said the yola was so small, you had to hold your breath and each other, whenever the waves came crashing. That the wind kept blowing the boat the opposite direction and the salt water, teased their thirst. ...
Es difícil encontrar las palabras exactas para describir un tiempo tan desolador, deplorable y atípico como el que estamos pasando, pues ninguno de los adjetivos da la talla. Este periodo ha sido una enorme ola que ha traído consigo pesares,...
En la penumbra de la noche Mis inquietudes se aceleran Las palabras son un reproche Con el deseo de me que acogieran La incertidumbre nos recibe al alba Mientras el alma afligida Nuestra desdicha graba Queriendo recurrir a una huida...
She had a weakness for vegan women. She loved gorditas and flautas, tostadas topped with pig’s feet and pickled pork skins, pozole and birria, but she fawned over women with grassy breath, nourished on lettuce...
Ni tan lejos ni tan cerca. “El Alto” me hace sentir como que aunque no estoy allá, nunca me fui. Un paseo astral por la media isla; un baño de pueblo. Me transporté, caminé por la República y por el...
Is this the face of a tongue? you Spanish? this pasty winter olive this summer hash brown the color of a language? you Spanish? do I have a tilde for a mustache, an accent for a brow, this head of...
Si me ven por ahí Con un cuaderno en la mano y un bolígrafo No piense que yo escribo. A veces me da por garabatear Símbolos que parecen palabras, Pero carecen de contenido. No, Yo no escribo. Más bien, creo...
History teaches us that the marginalized always use art as a means of speaking about their pain and sorrows. Art, whether it was music or poetry, was also used as coded language that motivated those who suffer to rise...
Barely 17 years old, and yet I’d fight with anyone who dared To tell me that Spanglish wasn’t A language. Spanglish was so deeply intertwined With my identity, that any attempt To invalidate it Was an attempt To invalidate me. The only thing I knew how to speak where I didn’t have to censor, filter, or hinder the only language learning allowed...
Coger pique con el celular porque no hay un keyboard en spanglish and I have grammarly, español and english qué calvario! qué paciencia! y qué bueno! ¿quién me manda? a tener el corazón dividío* en tre** a vivir la poesía,...